Curing Health Care
New Strategies for Quality Improvement
Describes how health care organizations can apply modern quality assurance methods to help recapture control and hope in a time of frustration and skyrocketing costs. Using the reports of National Demonstration Project teams, it illustrates the entire quality improvement process — from defining the problem through implementing a solution and consolidating the project's gains. Curing Health Care demonstrates what works and does not work in actual practice, presenting case examples of specific health care improvement projects ranging from transport of critically ill infants to quick turnaround of emergency lab specimens and the generation of accurate Medicare bills. The authors distill their findings into ten key lessons, revealing, for example, the importance of senior management support for quality improvement projects. They stress the need to bring physicians directly into the quality improvement process and explore its potential for stimulating dramatic improvements in clinical practice.
Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (October 15, 2002)