The Lost Tommies
‘LostTommies’ brings together stunning never-before-seen images ofWestern Front tommies and their amazing stories in a beautifulcollection that is part thriller, part family history and partnational archive.
Formuch of the First World War, the small French village of Vignacourtwas always behind the front lines – as a staging point, casualtyclearing station and recreation area for troops of all nationalitiesmoving up to and then back from the battlefields on the Somme. Here,one enterprising photographer took the opportunity of offeringportrait photographs. A century later, his stunning images werediscovered, abandoned, in a farm house.
Capturedon glass, printed into postcards and posted home, the photographsenabled soldiers to maintain a fragile link with loved ones at home.In ‘Lost Tommies’, this collection covers many of the significantaspects of British involvement on the Western Front, from militarylife to the friendships and bonds formed between the soldiers andcivilians. With servicemen from around the world these faces aregathered together for what would become the front line of the Battleof the Somme. Beautifully reproduced, it is a unique collection and amagnificent memorial.
WilliamCollins; UK ed. edition (June 21, 2016)